Selasa, 10 September 2013

DREAMS BECOME EFFECTIVE LEADER ( Jajang Suhendi , Cikedal - Pandeglang )


 ( Jajang Suhendi , Cikedal - Pandeglang )

Principal is a leader in a school that is based on a decree after going through several stages and requirements are adequate . Being not headmaster of thumb only. Especially now how to choose the head of the school through personal ability tests , professional , and social . But in tests or selection have not been up to measure the ability of personnel to manage the education staff and in practice few months for example . In fact, a kind of personality test is very important to be done by the authorities . Minimum principal can understand one of the concepts , including the concept of " Joint Needs Satisfaction . " Being a leader ( Principal ) and the people they lead ( of teachers and education personnel ) must be satisfied , because their individual needs are met , including needs of their organization .

A leader must be effective in the leadership . To be effective school leadership must be able to stand on the mutual satisfaction between himself and the people he leads . They hold the principle of life participated with teachers and education personnel . Develop principles of participation in taking any decision and its implementation . Take collective decisions and implement decisions together as well . Everything felt involved in the planning and actions. No party did not feel involved in various activities for the achievement of common goals as well . In a meeting ( meeting ) implement participatory management . In execution of a meeting to discuss problems or difficulties in order to find solutions together .

Overcome any difficulties together , open it alone of a course leader . The people who lead be treated well , given the motivation in the performance of duties and maintain harmonious human relations . The people he leads in order to stay motivated in carrying out tasks to achieve common goals in the school organization . Efforts , meetings and consultations based on mutual satisfaction without winners or losers without . Between the leader and the led facing conflict using the " no winner . "

Use the meeting as a leadership strategy . In meeting the principle of shared responsibility that begins implementation of joint decisions and implementation. Meetings can be a means to achieve the goals of the organization ( school ) . Useful in decision-making meeting together in the school with hearing how passive , active and empathic . Effective leaders are leaders who use the meeting as a means of participation of the leaders of the people they lead . In meeting the needs of mutual satisfaction using strategies , decisions and implementation decisions together as well . Tightly to achieve common goals in the leadership . Achieve organizational goals more effectively .

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